Resources | About C2FO | May 10, 2023

C2FO Continues to Deliver Working Capital Even as Overall Lending Outlook Darkens

The platform helped produce $17.3 billion in funding for businesses.

The platform helped produce $17.3 billion in funding for businesses.

C2FO continued to serve as a trusted, reliable source of working capital in Q1 2023, even as traditional lenders became more cautious, tightened their standards and made it harder to secure loans and lines of credit. 

The world’s first on-demand platform for working capital provided $17.3 billion in funding to businesses around the world. Those companies used that funding to meet payroll, purchase inventory and continue growing their businesses — without paying the soaring interest rates that come with loans and lines of credit. 

C2FO’s cutting-edge platform allows businesses to request early payment for their outstanding invoices, in exchange for granting their customers a small discount. In the first quarter: 

  • Minority- and woman-owned businesses received $884 million in accelerated funding.
  • The typical invoice on C2FO’s platform was paid almost 31 days early.
  • An average of 2.62 million invoices were accelerated each month. 

Take a closer look at C2FO’s Q1

Check out the full report on our performance below.

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